The RadTag® Blood Irradiation Indicator
RadTag®: An innovative way to confirm that your blood products were irradiated
The RadTag® indicator is used by blood banks that use irradiation to prevent Transfusion-Associated Graft vs. Host Disease (TAGVHD).
The RadTag® indicator is used to verify that blood is irradiated within the dose guidelines recommended by regulatory agencies.

BugTag® Sterile Insect Technique Indicators
BugTag®: the best way to confirm you've delivered the appropriate radiation dose for your Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) program.
The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is an environmentally friendly method of insect pest control. Sterilization is accomplished through controlled irradiation. Our BugTag® SIT irradiation indicators verify whether the appropriate dose has been delivered to ensure proper sterilization.